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Visit today's 50 Newest Lands - you never know what you'll discover!

(click for teleport link)
1Shy Joker416
2ozzy Sirenz535
3Kelly Huntsman3320
4Kelly Huntsman206
5Kelly Huntsman294
6Kelly Huntsman212
7Ackenaton 31
8asdhero 92
9Kaster7 100
10Winter Silversmith100
11Bloop Voxel-200
12MiaScarletta 100
13EmileSkully 100
14Kylie Brimmer-50
15Laytoya32 0
16Laytoya32 100
17Laytoya32 100
18Laytoya32 -4
19Ela Wildcat100
20Flo Mysterious100
21Laytoya32 100
22Rainer1977 -457
23flutterbybysings 100
24Gingy Blossom-61
25DuckyShincracker 967
26MamaZanobiaa 195
27Sloan MacIntyre100
28ItalianBear 100
29AndreaKahler 100
30BloodBondsClub -420
31Mack Mazi100
32Aley Vortex100
33Casey Benusconi100
34mrGrayWolf Huntsman100
35Voxiie -398
36ISMAILmanoVIL 100
37ChocolateKi55 402
38Susy Flux100
39Madison Gyranaut980
40Fu89 582
41AmberJBaxter 1258
42xoxdeamonslayerxox 203
43Elliot Evergarden100
44HazelHanna 100
45thalassinh 100
46samual Diesel100
47Pynkie Dallas351
48Leena Hirvi237
49Danny Starchild5442
50RNID 100